โดย admin | ม.ค. 12, 2016 | Bearings for Mining & Construction

Screw compressors are used in environments where they are exposed to such chemicals as compressor oil, refrigerants, and ammonia gas. Consequently, bearings for screw compressors must be highly resistant to oil and heat.
โดย admin | ม.ค. 12, 2016 | Bearings for Mining & Construction

Papermaking machine bearings operating under hightemperature conditions are vulnerable to problems such as fracturing of the inner ring, which can result in work stoppages.
โดย admin | ม.ค. 12, 2016 | Bearings for Mining & Construction

Construction equipment used in harsh environments risk contamination from dust, mud, and huge loads, and require a certain degree of ruggedness that is different from the requirements of a common passenger vehicle. NSK has developed bearings for such equipment.
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โดย admin | ม.ค. 12, 2016 | Bearings for Mining & Construction

The lineup of NSK bearings for mining machinery are manufactured using NSK’s proprietary technologies in order to provide long-life performance even under the harsh conditions found in and around the digging area.